Jean-Michel Besnier


Doctor in political sciences, Jean-Michel Besnier is a professor of philosophy at the University  Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV). He is a member of the scientific council at the IHEST (Institut des Hautes Études en Sciences et Techniques), at the Directoire du MURS (Mouvement universel pour la responsabilité scientifique), and at the scientific and technical literature commission at the CNL. Specialist in the philosophy of technologies, his current research mainly concerns the philosophical and ethical impact of sciences and techniques on the individual or collective representations and imaginations.

Among his latest publications: Demain les posthumains (Fayard 2010 and Pluriel 2012), L’homme simplifié. Le syndrome de la touche étoile (Prix 2012 du Nouveau Cercle de l’Union, Fayard 2012) and Un cerveau prometteur. Conversations sur les neurosciences (with F. Brunelle, éditions Le Pommier 2015), Les robots font-ils l’amour ? : le transhumanisme en 12 questions (with Laurent Alexandre, Éditions Dunod, 2016).