A panel discussion/ live performance, a multidisciplinary debate with contemporary works of art and design, presented with a specific system, during which we will talk about the living with the living.
Led by Emanuele Quinz, Manuelle Freire et Patricia Ribault
With design works of Ecologic Studio / Urban Morphogenesis Lab at the Bartlett - UCL | London
With Marie-Sarah Adenis (designer, biologist),
Frédérique Aït Touati (science historian, researcher CNRS – EHESS),
Claire Brunet (philosophy teacher, design department, ENS Paris-Saclay),
Emanuele Coccia (philosophy teacher, EHESS),
Olivier Dauchot (director of research, “Collective Effects in Soft Material” team, ESPCI),
Manuelle Freire (research-creation researcher, Chair arts & sciences, EnsadLab),
Emanuele Quinz (art and design historian, Université Paris 8 and EnsADLab),
Patricia Ribault (junior professor in Gestaltung history and theory, Cluster of Excellence “Matters of Activity”, Humboldt University-Berlin).